Shipping and Delivery

The shipping rate on all online orders is calculated using a standard national rate of $30.00.

Payment is required before goods will be shipped and the tracking number texted to you.

For overseas shipments, please contact us to arrange an estimate for shipping and to process your order.

If you require your parcel to be delivered to a PO box, we will ship it with Australia Post as other delivery services do not deliver to PO boxes.

Please note that Australia Post orders are processed more slowly than courier and are automatically assigned as authority to leave at your address.

If you are not home during business hours, a good alternative to ensure you receive your parcel promptly is to arrange it to be sent to your work address. If you write in the notes section “Authority to Leave”, your parcel can be left in a safe place, and you will not need to arrange collection if you are not at home to accept the delivery.

Please note that the option of “Authority to Leave” (no matter whether filled into the notes section by you or automatically assigned as described above) is not covered by insurance, meaning you will not get a refund in case the parcel is lost as this is beyond our control.

If you are not at home to accept delivery, a collection notice will be left or you may receive a notification by email or SMS.

Please contact us if you do not receive a collection notice or notification.

Our average turn around time for orders is 14 business days, but it can take up to 21 business days depending on stock availability and the delivery address.