Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.

Privacy Policy

We are bound by the National Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 (subject to any exemptions that apply to us under that Act). We may, from time to time, review and update this privacy policy, including taking account of new or amended laws, new technology and/or changes to our operations. All personal information held by us will be governed by the most recently updated policy.


We only collect personal information in the following cases:

  • When you use any forms on this website. When filling in the contact form and/or our personal tea recommendation form you will be asked to fill in a name, email and phone number. This is to get in contact with you and to avoid spam messages. You can access this information as outlined in section ‘9. GAINING ACCESS TO YOUR INFORMATION’. No information is sold to any third parties.
  • When you comment on posts or review products. You will be asked to leave a name with your comment or review. Comments and reviews are considered publishable content. The name will be displayed with your comment or review and can be a pseudonym if you prefer it to be. In order to avoid spam you are required to enter an email address when submitting a comment or review. This email address will not be displayed on the website. No information is sold to any third parties.

This website uses Google Analytics with IP anonymisation, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”) to collect website usage data. Google Analytics is a tool that helps website owners measure how users interact with website content. We furthermore make use of Google AdWords remarketing feature.


Contact details and publishable content are collected when supplied by you either via the website or direct to us by other means.

Website usage data collected by Google Analytics includes but is not limited to:

  • The type of browser you are using
  • The date and time of your visit
  • Your IP address – anonymised. Please see section ‘6. COOKIES + USE OF GOOGLE ANALYTICS WITH IP ANONYMISATION’
  • The address of the website that referred you to ours
  • What you typed into the on-page search bar

Website usage data can be correlated over time by the use of ‘cookies’ as outlined in section 6.


Publishable content is collected and republished where applicable in order to enable a two-way conversation in public between us and our visitors.

We collect your personal contact details:

  • To respond to requests or queries you raise
  • To confirm your identity
  • To fulfil orders made by you
  • To keep you up to date with news, special offers, and other marketing information you have opted-in to receive.

We collect website usage data:

  • To measure and monitor the performance of our website
  • To estimate interest in our products and services
  • To refine and update our website’s content
  • To monitor our website for violations of the terms of use or any applicable laws by visitors
  • To possibly re-market to you to at a later point in time via Google AdWords

The Google AdWords remarketing feature allows us to show advertisements to past visitors of our website based on their cookie history. You may see third-party vendors, including Google, show our ads on various sites across the internet. Please note that our advertisements are geographically limited to Australia. If you wish to learn about how to opt out, please see section 7 further down.


We may disclose your personal information to third parties, and you consent to us disclosing your personal information to third parties, under the following circumstances:

  • As part of a sale of all or part of our business
  • As required or authorised by any applicable law
  • As required for processing of credit card payments by Internet Payment Gateways and Merchant Facilities.
  • As part of any investigation by us into you or your activity on our website (including to your Internet Service Provider or network administrator)
  • If we have reason to believe that you have committed a breach of any of our terms of use or have been otherwise engaged in any unlawful activity and we reasonably believe that disclosure is necessary (including to the Police or any other enforcement body, or to your Internet Service Provider or network administrator)
  • To lessen or prevent a serious threat to a person’s health or safety


When you submit content to us for publication (including but not limited to comments, testimonials, votes, or forum posts) you assign us a transferrable, perpetual right to publish and/or commercially exploit said content without limitation. You also warrant in submitting such content that the content is owned or produced by yourself or you otherwise have permission to assign publication rights to us. Publication rights do not extend to fields specifically marked as private (e.g. your email address), except in cases of clear violations of our terms of use.

Content submitted by you for publication may be disclosed to all visitors of our website, and/or republished on other websites at our discretion.

If you provide personal information either of your own or of any third party as part of publishable content, you warrant that you have permission to publish said information and indemnify us against any consequences resulting from the publication of said information.

Before being published all submitted publishable content has to be approved. This is to avoid spam, misuse and violation of the terms & conditions of the website.

If you find your personal information published on our website without your consent, please contact us immediately as outlined in section 10.


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics is a tool that helps website owners measure how users interact with website content. For example by examining and comparing click trails, time spend on pages and the use of the on-page search bar, we can understand where the users went to look for something before they couldn’t find it and therefore had to use the on-page search bar. We can then implement improvements to optimise the user experience on the according pages and help them find what they were looking for.

In order to collect the necessary information to do that, Google Analytics uses “cookies”. Cookies are electronic tokens containing small amounts of information that are passed between a web browser and server. They are also used to maintain session state between pages or to retain information between visits if you return to the website at a later time. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (normally including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Now, with the activation of the IP anonymisation on our website, Google will truncate/anonymise the last octet of the IP address.

The collected cookies are furthermore used by Google AdWords re-marketing feature as described in section 3.


You may refuse the use of cookies at any time by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. Please note however that disabling cookies may result in a reduction of available functionality on our site including but not limited to the loss of the ability to post comments and vote on content.

Furthermore you can prevent Google’s collection and use of data (cookies and IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under

Further information concerning the terms and conditions of use and data privacy can be found at or at

When you supply us with your email address to join our newsletter you are asked to opt in to receive marketing information by e-mail or other means. As stated in section ‘Purchasing Online – 10. EMAIL COMMUNICATIONS’, you may opt out at any time directly via the newsletter.

You will be given the opportunity to opt out from receiving further communications from us in accordance with this policy each time we send you information for which you have opted in. This comes in the form of an ‘unsubscribe’ link, generally in the footer and/or header of each email.

If you receive any communication purporting to be connected with us or our products or services that you believe has been sent to you other than in accordance with this policy, or in breach of any law, please contact us immediately as outlined in section 10.


With the exclusion of information supplied for publication (as outlined in section 5), we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we hold is not lost, misused, or inadvertently provided to unauthorised third parties, including by means of firewalls, password locking, truncation of credit card data, encryption of data in transit, and secured servers.

You acknowledge that the security of communications sent by electronic means cannot be guaranteed. You provide information to us via the internet at your own risk. We cannot accept responsibility for misuse or loss of, or unauthorised access to, your personal information where the security of information is not wholly within our control.

You must ensure the security and confidentiality of any username and/or password used by yourself to access this website. You agree that you will be held responsible for all activities which occur under your username and password (including but not limited to publication of illegal or defamatory material or any other unlawful activity, or unauthorised charging of your credit card).

You agree that we are not responsible for the privacy or security practices of any third party and that the collection and use of your information by third parties may be subject to separate privacy and security policies.

If you suspect any misuse or loss of, or unauthorised access to, your personal information, please contact us immediately as outlined in section 10.


You have the right (excluding exceptions outlined in the Privacy Act) to seek access to and update, correct or delete the personal information we hold about you. If you make an access request, we will ask you to verify your identity.

If you would like to seek access to personal information we hold about you, you can contact us as outlined in section 10.


If you have any questions or complaints about how we collect, use, disclose, manage or store your personal information, or would like to request access or changes to the information we hold, please contact us using this form OR contact us in writing at:
86 Johnson Ave, Seven Hills NSW 2147